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The PVE Vacuum Elevators come in 3 sizes, 30" 37" and 52" and can travel up to 4 stories. This is the most space saving elevator on the market and in many cases fits in centre your stairs.
Clean Air Does The Lifting
This enviromentally friendly residential elevator uses no hydraulic oil or hoisting cables that need replacing, rather we use cheap and plentiful air to control the ascent and decent of this lift.
PVE's revolutionary design offers 3 size units ranging from single to a three-passenger, wheelchair-accessible home elevator. All of PVE’s vacuum home lift systems are capable of up to a 50 foot vertical rise over as many as four stops.
Standard Grey
Light Grey
Satin Black
No Pit Required & No Hoist-way to Build
This elevator is so simple in some cases ther may be next to no construction as it can stand in front of an upper balcony or be placed in the centre of a staircase.
Run power to it and up up and away!

This Elevator Requires Very Little Maintenance Due to its Simplicity.
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